My Classroom

A view from just inside the main door.

This is my math station area.  The clear tubs rotate 10 station choices while the remaining 20 clear tubs and the colored ones store extra math station materials to be used later.

In the corner beside my small group table is my science and browsing box area.  This is a dual purpose area.  The kids read from their browsing bags during reader's workshop and then later during developmental stations, they use the science materials here. 
This is the heart of the room.  It is our large group meeting area with the smart board as the focal point.  It also houses our workstation chart to the right of the smartboard and of course this is the largest part of our classroom library, the fiction section.  (Non-fiction is housed with the science stations, math in the math stations, poetry is in it's own section)
This is taken while standing in the whole group area.  Since getting the smartboard, I generally use the blackboard as a magnetic bulletin board.  Right now the birthdays, alphabet chart, and literacy response charts are posted.
This is taken from the just outside the smartboard area.  I have another "larger" group area on the floor in front of the chalkboard and in the far corner is the housekeeping area.  I also have the computer table on  the far wall.  In the foreground is my "dreaded" teacher desk.  This thing is a monstrosity that I never use so I decided to repurpose it and make it available for student seating this year.  They love earning the priviledge of sitting at the teacher desk!
A closeup of housekeeping

A very blurry view back toward the main door.  The green chart is math workstation assignments and is  on the back of the clear math tubs.

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