Saturday, April 14, 2012

Great Math Resource!

Does anyone else feel like they have language arts/reading homework under control?  Reading homework that ties to guided reading is something that I really feel is "all together".  I have even switched to giving my leveled reading homework via online books and the kids/parents love it!  But...I have always struggled with what to give my kinder kiddos for math homework.  I want them to practice their math skills at home but I also want them using hands on activities.  I send home alot activities from Building Number Sense and other resources but I wanted to incorporate some digital options for my little digital natives.  I also wanted them to have a resource that didn't need too much help from mom and dad.  Enter....  the nctm website!  I love their online math activities.  I use them constantly.  I have linked them to my smartboard calendar lessons,  I have used them for whole group teaching, small group teaching, and now, I use them as homework practice.  I send the link to my parents and some of the games such as Concentration and Okta's rescue can be downloaded as android or iphone apps!  Both of the games that I mention practice subitizing and recognizing numbers in a variety of formats (ten frame, word, numeral, pips (dot/dice formation).  Other games such as five and ten frame are great for teaching composing/decomposing number!

Illuminations/ NCTM math games

I love this website and I hope that others will find it useful.  If you use some of these activities or have other resources, please feel free to  share!

Keep in touch!


1 comment:

  1. I have awarded you with the Lovely Blog Award. Hop on over to my blog to check it out!

    PPS I love the illuminations site as well!

